Year 5 & Year 6

Welcome to Sycamore class!

In Sycamore this year we have Miss Holmes (teacher) and Miss Hemming (learning assistant).

Miss Holmes has been a teacher for seven years, previously working at a school in Stratford. She has taught in year 3 and year 6 and has even taught for a year in China! Miss Holmes enjoys teaching science and PE and is a keen netballer outside of school

Miss Hemming has been working at Our Lady’s for 10 years and has a wealth of experience and knowledge! Miss Hemming is very creative and enjoys designing displays around the classroom and school. Miss Hemming also loves animals – ask her how many she has at home!

We are looking forward to an exciting year – if you ever have any concerns or queries, do not hesitate to call in to see us at the end of the day. Alternatively, please feel free to contact Miss Holmes via email –

Our Timetable







8.40 - 9 

Register / Morning Task 

Register / Morning Task 

Register / Morning Task 

Register / Morning Task 

Register / Morning Task 

9 – 9.30 





Class Prayer 

9.30 – 10.45 










10.45 – 11 


11 – 12 





Religious Education  

(1 hour and 15 minutes) 

12 – 12.30 

GPS Booster 

GPS Booster 

GPS Booster 

GPS Booster 

Spelling – test and new spellings 

12 .30 – 1.15 


1.15 – 2.15 

Comprehension Booster 

Religious Education  

(1 hour and 30 minutes) 


Art / D and T 

Comprehension Booster 

2.15 - 3 

PE - Mr Geden 


PE – Mr Ireland 

Maths Reasoning 

Maths Reasoning 

Maths Reasoning 

3 – 3.30 

Whole School Prayer 

Gifts from God Assembly 


Our themes for the Autumn Term is ‘Maafa’. This project teaches children about Africa past and present, with a particular focus on Benin. It traces the development of the slave trade and explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.

Home Learning

Children will be set the following homework: Spellings, maths & GPS. Set on Friday, due in on the following Friday.

We would very much appreciate your support in ensuring all home learning is completed in a timely manner and to a high standard. This is one of the many things we do to ensure your child is building independence in order to move onto secondary school or prepare themselves for year 6.

Children in year 6 will have the opportunity to get ready for secondary by completing a range of jobs around the school. They will also have opportunities for new roles to demonstrate the leadership and role model skills that they have developed over their time at Our Lady’s.

Log-on details

School provides subscriptions to the following services to aid all pupils, the log-on details for these will be stuck in the front of your child’s reading record.

Maths: Times table Rock stars & MyMaths

English: Accelerated Reader and Lexia


Parent Helpers

As always, we are grateful for any adult support within school. If you could spare any time at all, we would be extremely thankful for the help. Children love reading to an adult.



Reading is one of the most important skills a child will learn. It is how we access so much learning and socialising. It makes a huge difference when your child reads daily. We really appreciate your support in achieving this goal. Reading records should be signed and will be checked weekly on a Friday.


Accelerated reader link (for quizzing at home) - Renaissance - Log In (



Monday and Friday

Please come to school in correct PE kit- refer to the website for uniform policy.



SATS Parents Information 2023